Authentic life over 50

Whiskey is My Muse

I am a goddess 
But no damn muse
I've searched for one
But cannot choose

I posted a profile
On an online muse app
I wanted to find one
But found nothing but crap

So now I've decided
What's best for me
Is to inspire my writing
By drinking whiskey
Whiskey Goddess living an authentic life over 60.

This was written for Brad at Writing to Freedom, for his “muse party” celebrating his birthday today. He asked writers to summon their fictional muse characters. Apparently that’s a thing among seasoned bloggers here, which I am not…yet. I haven’t created a fictional muse character but I’m currently inspired by whiskey in all kinds of ways, so I’m going with that. Happy birthday! Over-60 is fabulous!💫 #MuseFest2021

All photos my own.


  1. Love the photos, and that whiskey concoction looks pretty intriguing! Clearly you’re enjoying your internship. Was that drink an “at work perk” or homework?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I guess I’d have to say, that today, you’ve been my muse. I’ve been dawdling on a project. You’re post connected me to Brad’s post. Cool! #musefest2021

    Liked by 1 person

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